Saying No. A Critical Skill for the Nurse Entrepreneur.

Singing bowl session at an equine therapy farm

Someone recently asked me for a free call. Although I was- A. Surprised by the request B. Would love to talk and help others at any time of day- I said no. 

Saying no is one of the more difficult things I have had to learn to do as a nurse, coach, and entrepreneur.

*picture is a singing bowl sound healing session at an Equine therapy farm in Mexico

Let me tell you, there should be no shame in your time and expertise being monetized. While I believe firmly in volunteering and do so regularly with my presence on a non-profit Board of Directors, medical volunteer work in Mexico, and care of many, many street dogs everyday, only I get to choose how I use my time and how I would like to spend my time currency. How many of us have spent years in nursing being “volun-told” to work extra hours and give more and more of ourselves until we are completely burned out? I have been there and it is a slippery slope.  

In the dynamic world of nursing entrepreneurship, time does become a critical and perhaps underappreciated currency. This concept is something that my career working for other companies could not teach me and I am therefore now learning baby step by baby step.  For nurse entrepreneurs, each moment of our time represents an opportunity to manifest our vision, create meaningful impact, and navigate the intricate landscape of business and healthcare. 

As we nurse entrepreneurs embark on our entrepreneurial journeys, we are confronted with a myriad of demands and responsibilities, from conceptualizing innovative solutions to addressing operational challenges and managing client relationships. In this sometimes fast-paced environment, the ability to discern between valuable opportunities and distractions is essential. By prioritizing tasks and commitments that align with our vision and expertise, nurse entrepreneurs can maximize the impact of their efforts and navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship with confidence and clarity.

Saying no to opportunities that do not align with our goals or values can be a daunting prospect for nurse entrepreneurs, as we may fear missing out on potential avenues for growth or collaboration. We may fear that this affects our reputation in some negative way. However, it is essential to recognize that every decision to allocate time and resources carries profound implications for the trajectory of our ventures. By embracing the courage to decline opportunities that do not serve our long-term objectives, we assert our autonomy and integrity, safeguarding the integrity and sustainability of their ventures.

Nurse entrepreneurs frequently coach other nurses to put a value on their time and advocate for what is right. As a result, we must walk the walk whilst talking the talk and consider the above when we are making the sometimes hard decisions of where our time is best spent. 

I am currently helping multiple providers get their practices started and the results are EXCITING! It is truly a privilege for which I am quite grateful to be able to partner with these nurse practitioner entrepreneurs and thus change the landscape of modern healthcare. Thank you to each of you for joining me and trusting me to assist with your nurse practitioner entrepreneurship journey.


Greetings from Thailand!


3 Things I Have Learned As a Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneur: What I Would Do Differently