We Left Mexico After 3 Beautiful Years

It feels very strange to write those words and though we left a week ago, it does not feel real just yet. 

Given that I love (so much!) helping others became ex-pats, immigrants, etc while managing or starting a business, you probably want to know why I would leave a place that I speak of so highly. 

It’s…. complicated. 

The truth is, I never had any plans of staying in Merida. In 2021, I had wanted to explore for six months and then carry on with our world schooling adventure. 

Then I had surgery and complications (not the surgeon’s fault, I have bleeding tendencies.)

And just before that I met a wonderful human who I have been with ever since. 

Given that Merida has so much to offer and the above factors, we kept Merida as our home base. 

Time has gone by and I’ve started and grown businesses while living abroad. This has gone very well but I did make a decent number of visits to the states to check in and work on my businesses. I still think people could make it happen with little or no visits to the states. 

My recent visit to Asia really expanded my horizons and I feel that I’m missing out on a lot. Expenses have gone up pretty drastically in Mexico recently and I’m still recovering from burnout from the prior year. I miss some of the conveniences that USA-based living affords me but more importantly, I’m ready to put in the energy and time needed to see one of my businesses THRIVE. I sold one practice in January after building it up into something beautiful. The new owners have it growing even better! Now that I’m recovering from the burnout of developing that business, I’m going to build up one of my other practices. I think to REALLY do this in a short period of time, I need to be present. I’m spending some time in my home state (but have 4+ trips planned in the next four months so have no fear!), expanding my office space, hiring and training more people, and the list goes on!

My goal is to have this wrapped up and then head back across the globe early next year. The Morocco World School hub is calling us.

Will I go back to Mexico? Without a doubt but probably not to live. There are many people and things that I still love there so I do see myself returning.  

For now I’m state-side and trying to acclimate to how quiet it is as that quiet makes it seem almost like something is missing. 

So while I will always be a world-traveler, sometimes it is nice to lay your head down somewhere really familiar. 

I cannot thank Mexico enough for the opportunities to grow and learn that she provided me. I am forever in her debt. 

What is holding you back from exploring? Or starting your own practice(s)? 

With Gratitude,



Educating Your Children While Traveling: Worldschooling